Let's Connect

Hello - thank you so much for reaching out and I'm excited to talk to you some more. I will do my best to respond promptly within 2 business days. Have a lovely rest of your day! 🦖

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I will get back to you within 2 business days. Thanks so much and I hope you have a lovely day!
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Frequently Asked Questions

Are you open for freelance / contract work?

Yes I am! I love taking on new projects and exposing myself to different industries. We can discuss more in detail once we exchange contact information.

Are you open for design collaborations?

For sure - I think a great way to learn is by working with others. As long as we have transparent expectations and clear communication, we will be a dream team!

Are you currently looking for fulltime roles?

Yes, yes, and yes! Although freelance is fun, I feel like I will thrive most in an environment where I can connect with clients, coworkers and the project long-term.

What's your past experience on design?

Thanks for asking! You can refer to my About Page and access my resume to see a more in-depth answer.