Scene It Mobile and TV App

Scene It Mobile and TV App



Figuring out a movie to watch in a group setting induces great stress for many people. They worry that if they choose the wrong movie, the hang out will end up being a waste of time as people are left unsatisfied. This leads to people wasting a lot of time, trying to figure out what movie to watch that will satisfy everyone's preferences.

How might we create a feature that can be used to help groups choose a movie to watch and thus, save time and reduce stress?


I designed a feature that recommends movies quickly and easily while considering individual preferences and tastes. This manifested in a mobile app and companion TV app that uses a questionnaire to suggest movies.

🎉 Selected for The Best Event and Entertainment App Designs by DesignRush

1. Empathize

User Interviews + Survey

I conducted 5 interviews with participants who regularly watch shows/movies. I asked questions regarding motivation, decision processes, and watching habits in regards to shows and movies respectively. I also did a survey via Google Forms which had 22 participants.

I found that choosing a movie to watch in group settings was the biggest and most common pain point for those watching movies.

  • interview participants experienced difficulty choosing movies indiivudally and especially in group settings
  • 16/21 survey participants found figuring out what to watch in a group setting stressful

“It feels like it has to reach expectations for both people because you’re spending your weekend watching it and like you know, time is money”

2. Define

User Persona

Casey wants a solution to finding good movie recommendations when she hangs out with her friends. They waste so much time trying to find a movie that everyone wants to see.

User Persona Casey McNeil of Scene It

User Flow

This feature is intended as a PWA (progressive web app) so that friends are not required to download the app, saving time. There are two main flow types: the first only uses the mobile app and the second type uses both the mobile and TV app in tandem (able to watch trailers together).

Feature Roadmap

I determined feature roadmap based on user interview insights.The questionnaire, the star of the task flow, was designed to be quick to complete but consider all the important factors involved in choosing a movie. For instance, a question regarding rewatching movies was included as this was a factor some participants felt very strongly about.

Feature Roadmap of Scene It

3. Ideate

UI Kit

I developed a UI Kit, drawing inspiration from other products within the entertainment industry like Hulu and HBO Max that use gradients.

High-Fidelity Wireframes

I used Figma to develop the high-fidelity wireframes. To illustrate my design thinking, here are different screens from the user flow.

4. Test

Usability Testing

The testing was conducted with three participants who all identified having difficulty choosing movies in group settings. The participants were directed to host a session and complete the questionnaire to receive movie recommendations.

Affinity Map

An affinity map was created to summarize points made by participants during usability testing. As a huge win, all the participants found that the questionnaire was quick to complete with no confusing questions! Additionally, responses confirmed that having a TV companion app was helpful to watch trailers together. They also liked the ability to have a self-session for individual use.

Affinity map of Scene It

5. Iterate

Priority Revisions



I entered this project thinking that research would show participants wanting to keep track of movies/shows that they want to see or have seen, similar to Goodreads. However, research proved me wrong, giving me an opportunity to learn how it's important to not have a pre-conceived solution before conducting research.

Growth Areas

Due to time constraints, I didn’t redo my competitive analysis or provisional personas after user research and survey insights changed the focus of the project. I could’ve done more secondary research to help inform my designs.

Next Steps

Another round of usability testing should be conducted on the newly added screens (the tie-breaker, the screens with ratings) to see if they are usable and intuitive for our users. Also, there should be research done to see if users will want to revisit questions in the questionnaire. Right now, they could use the progress bar at the top to go back to the previous questions but this may not be intuitive enough. Also, the progress bar doesn't currently communicate the question content of previous questions answered.

🎉 Selected for The Best Event and Entertainment App Designs by DesignRush